
All Natural Wellness Revolution

Moving from illness to wellness through all-natural means is an important initiative started by S M Enterprises. We Promote Ayurveda – the use of natural herbs to live a healthy life. We conduct regular seminars, wellness and training sessions at various places to motivate people to live a life that is closer to nature. Using healthcare products that contains mostly chemicals are always harmful to our health while use of ayurveda will not only help you to get rid of your diseases but it also provide you mental peace and good health. We encourage people to engage in physical activity for health and use chemical free natural products.
The Ayurvedic Healing & Research Hub
A A S Vision

A A S means HOPE … Our vision is to build a world, full of hope, compassion and positive action where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive and creative life. We aspire create awareness and bring about a change, in the areas of health, education, environment and sustainable livelihood for under previledged communities.
Ayurveda is an ancient health care tradition that origninated at least 5,000 years ago. It was documented in the sacred historical texts known as the Vedas many centuries ago. Ayurveda has evolved over the years and is now integrated with many other traditional practices, including yoga.
The word Ayurveda comes from the Indian scholar language Sanskrit and is combined of ayur = life and veda = science. With ist scientifically documented history of more than 3,000 years, it is the oldest medical system worldwide, mainly spread over the Indian subcontinent. Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages maintaining health by paying close attention to balance in one’s life through right thinking, diet, lifestyle and use of herbs.
Ayurveda proposes highly customised treatment plans because according to Ayurveda principles, each individual has a specific constitution that determines his or her physical, physiologic and mental charecteristics and disease vulnerabilities.
“Kalpvriksh – The Green World” an initiative to plant more and more trees

We believe that as the mother Earth cares for us we should also care for her. We should pay her respect by growing more and more trees on the earth thereby reducing pollution and maintain a clean and green environment. We are associated with “Kalpvriksh” initiative started by AAS Ashram. Every year we aim to plant 1,00,000 trees to make this earth more beautiful and best place to live in.

Saving Clean Water

HOPE for the FUTURE …
Many regions in Maharashtra are facing scarcity of water. Ecosystems and natural resources are interdependent on each other . Water is the most essential natural resource. We educate people in rural areas about Rain water harvesting methods and its conservation. We are also promoting organic and sustainable agriculture using traditional agricultural practices. We are also working on waste water management that ensures economic growth, energy formation and nutrients thereby solving comprehensive problems. S M Enterprises has worked hard toward the goal of reducing water consumption across our operations.
Care Through Nature

Saving Clean Water

HOPE for the FUTURE …
Use of plastic affects ecosystems throughout its lifecycle — from extraction to disposal. Plastic takes many years for decomposing thereby polluting the environment. Therefore we use Biodegradable packaging made from eco-friendly materials – easy to recycle. We commit to reduce plastic packaging by 25% (2020 baseline), eradicate all problematic or unnecessary plastic usage, use reusable alternatives for packaging wherever possible, and ensure that at least 25% of the plastic we use is from recycled content. Ensuring paper-based packaging with high-recycled content, by the end of 2025.
Equal Opportunities

Gender inequalities are still deep-rooted in every society. Women are still suffering from lack of access to decent work and gender wage gaps. They are victims of violence and discrimination in many situations, as they are deprived of access to basic education and health care. They are under-represented in decision-making processes. Everyone has the right to equal treatment and opportunities. We at S M enterprises, ensure equal opportunities for men and women in workplace. We provide equal opportunities for their development and advancement.
Empowering Women

Creating HOPE for the FUTURE …We encourage the dynamic engagement of women and supporting female entrepreneurs in order to realize a society in which all women can take on challenges at any stage in life. We are trying to make helpless women independent by running various training programs and support them to establish their own small business. Our aim is to to create a society where all women and girls are empowered.
Skill Development and Vocational Training

Developing Skills and Creating better opportunities for the future .
Build Your Career

Creating HOPE for the FUTURE …
We provide vocational training to poor girls, single mothers and widow women and the goal is to empower them to create a better life for themselves and their children. Proper training by our well trained teachers provides them with relevant skills that match the needs of the local labour market. Tailoring, Beautician, Cooking, Making toys ,Basic computer training, Hair Dressing are some of the workshops we run. This enables them to attain self-employment.
Responding to Emergencies

Creating HOPE for the FUTURE …Our volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally help the victims of natural disasters like flood, landslides, earthquake etc. During emergencies and natural disasters, along with Emergency Camp , we set up special camps for children where affected children find a safe and conducive environment to overcome the trauma. In camps we ensure that proper care of their health, food, clothes,medicine etc. should be taken care of.
Creating HOPE for the FUTURE

We organize various Health Check up camps in our centres and also provide free medicines to the needy people. Likewise, there are free food distribution camps twice a month in our centres by our Volunteers. We also organize Blood Donation Camps quarterly in rural areas so that nobody should be deprived of blood when needed.
Samman Samaroh The Ritual

Encouraging and Moral Boosting GOOD ENDAVOURS ….S M Enterprises honors social workers in society every year through a program called “Samman Samaroh”. We also arrange “Annadanam” and “Health Check-up Camps” for the poor people on that day. By honouring them we encourage people to help the needy ones. More and more people gets connected with us every year to support social issues in society.