Amla, India Gooseberry or Emblica Officinalis is a little fruit stuffed with miraculous benefits. There is no doubt that it is power house of nutrients. It is the best natural source of Vitamin C that helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents the body from bacterial and viral ailments.
It is an excellent antioxidant the rejuvenates the cellular structure and prevents aging.
Uses of Amla
Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita and Vagbhata describes Amla as below
Jwarghna – Helpful in fever.
Kasghna – Useful in cough, cold and breathlessness.
Kushtghna – Useful in skin disorders.
Virechnopaga – Help to induce prgation.
Vayasthapana – Anti aging.
Chakshushaya – Helpful in improving vision and overall health of eyes.
Rakatpittghna – Helpful in various bleeding disorders.
Premaghna – Helps reducing urine sugar levels and is anti-diabetic.
Dahahara – Helps reducing burning sensation.
Kanthya – Helpful in throat disorders.
Sarvangdosha – Helps to pacify maintain equilibrium of all three doshas.
Traditionally used for
Strengthening immunity
Enhance food absorption
Fortify the liver
Balance hyperacidity
Nourish the brain
Mental functioning
Support the heart
Strengthen the lungs
Regulate elimination
Flush out toxins
Enhance fertility
Strengthen urinary system
Skin health
Promote healthier hair
Increase vitality
Improve eyesight
Improve muscle tone
Act as an antioxidant

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