Our vision is to build a world, full of hope, compassion and positive action where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive and creative life.
Being ethical is about doing the right thing. For example, respecting laws and regulations wherever we operate, paying taxes accordingly and taking a clear stance against corruption. Beyond that, it also means respecting human rights and embracing diversity and inclusion.
Right to Education & Good Life
We help poor children and adults to unlock their potential and recognise their dreams. We believe that every person is extraordinary and can achieve great heights if provided with the right learning opportunities. With the timely help and contributions from our supporters we have started our journey to achieve these goals. We are committed to ensure that all children, are able to go to school, play, interact and learn with other children of their age. Volunteers of S M Enterprises are educating and sponsoring education of children who want to learn but cannot afford due to lack of money.
We also help poor people with limited means to polish their creativity and skills under the guidance of trained teachers and make continual efforts to enable them to secure a life of dignity for themselves, their families and the community at large.
Human & Animal Rights
The campaigns for animal rights and human rights share the same fundamental aim: a world without oppression and suffering, based on love, kindness and compassion. Speciesism is the belief and practice of human supremacism over other animal species. .
Saving Childhood
Crafting Future Generations
HOPE for the FUTURE …
Keeping Children safe is the “need of hour” because today’s children are tomorrow’s future. Millions of children across the country are trafficked or trapped in various forms of exploitation. Every year, our team at S M enterprises conducts rescue operations for street children and abandoned children and protects around 200 children from critical situations such as child labour, trafficking, child abuse. Every child has a right to enjoy their childhood. Our aim is to protect children from different kinds of harms – abuse, neglect, exploitation (mental/physical), and violence and provide them a safe and happy childhood. Our team is working very hard to combat this problem. Our team map out-of-school children, street children and those who are involved in child labour and facilitate their movement into schools.
Adoption for Change
AAS rescue alliance works to connect homeless children and pets with loving homes while also offering adoption, training, and medical services for local animal rescue
Saving Lives
Caring & Sheltering Everyone in Need
HOPE for the FUTURE …
We take care of abandoned and street children to prevent the child from falling into the hands of trafficker/abuser and/or prevent the child from facing any form of abuse. In this manner, S M enterprises team has successfully rescued over 300 children from vulnerable situations. We also encourage people to adopt these children so as to provide the child a family. We also rescue, adopt and rehabilitate injured, abandoned and sick street animals.
Adopting Abandon Livestock
HOPE for the FUTURE … The health and well-being of the animals in our care, our staff, and the community we serve are our top priority. AAS continues to work with health officials and our community stakeholders to monitor, plan, and respond appropriately.